Osler Pediatrics Online Review

Intengo ejwayelekile
Intengo yokuthengiswa
Intengo ejwayelekile
Intengo yokukodwa
Inani kufanele libe yi-1 noma ngaphezulu

Ukubuyekezwa Kwe-Osler Pediatrics Online



This comprehensive Pediatrics online review is designed to help you pass your ABP exams (both initial certification and MOC) as well as to update your clinical knowledge-base. Emphasis is on evidence-based medicine and board-relevant standards of care, incorporating new concepts, strategies, and treatments. The course includes lectures that review the entire field of Pediatrics run in a rapid-fire format to target a larger percentage of the board and practice-relevant information. Q&A examples are embedded in each lecture. The dynamic, interactive lectures are supplemented with easy to follow outlines containing a broad range of information commonly found in standardized board examinations as well as practical guidelines for clinical practice. Many of our learners found the course provided them with improved diagnostic and testing strategies, a better understanding of all major disease entities relevant to the general practice of Pediatrics and helped them recognize specific areas of knowledge weakness for self-study. You will also come away with valuable insights and practical tips to immediately apply to your own practice.


Ekupheleni kwalesi sifundo umhlanganyeli ngamunye uzokwazi uku:

  • Xoxa ngamasu wokulawulwa kweziguli abuyekeziwe kulezi zindawo ezilandelayo: umuthi wangaphakathi, i-nephrology, i-immunology, i-endocrinology, umuthi wobusha, i-neonatology, i-otolaryngology, i-radiology, i-genetics kanye ne-pediatrics yokuziphatha
  • Ngokuzithemba uhumushe ukutholwa kwelebhu, ama-EKG nezinye izethulo zomsebenzi womzimba ngezethulo ezithile zesiguli
    Thuthukisa amasu afanele okuxilongwa nokwelashwa kwezimo ezivamile zezingane
  • Fingqa ukuxilongwa nokwelashwa kwezifo ezifanele ezidinga indlela eguquliwe
  • Bona ukuthi uzosidlulisela nini isiguli kuchwepheshe ukuze unikeze ukunakekelwa okungcono kakhulu kwesiguli
  • Humusha imihlahlandlela yemitholampilo esekwe ebufakazini exoxwa ngayo ngokwenza umuthi wezingane
  • Faka ukuqonda okuthuthukisiwe komtholampilo ukuxhumana ngempumelelo nezindlela zokuxilongwa nokwelashwa kweziguli kanye / noma nabanakekeli

Izihloko Nezipikha:

IBan Al-Karaghouli MD
Isikhungo Sezempilo Sabesifazane iHutzel,
Detroit, MI

Izifo Ezithathelwana Ngocansi, I-Gynecology Yentsha

U-Anne Beck, MD
Isazi sezifo zezingane uNephrologist iSt

Okuwuketshezi nama-Electrolyte, ama-Uropathies azalwe nawo, amaNephrotic Syndromes, i-Pertatric Hypertension

UMichael Farrell, MD
USolwazi wePediatrics University of Cincinnati

Ukudla okunomsoco, Izifo Ezitholakele, Amaparele Wokuziphatha Nengane, Izifo Ze-Congential GI

U-Adrian Florens, MD
Umsizi kaProfesa wePediatrics University of Miami School of Medicine

Izinsana Ezijwayelekile, Izifo Zokubeletha, Ukunakekelwa Okubalulekile Kwe-Neonatal, i-Apnea ne-SIDS

UDoris Greenberg, MD
Hlanganisa uProfesa Wasemtholampilo Wezingane I-Mercer University

Ukuthuthukiswa Kwezengqondo, Ukuziphatha Kwezingane, Ukuhlukunyezwa Kwezingane

URajat Jain, MD
Clinical Instructor in Internal Med, Pediatrics and Sports Medicine Northwestern University

Imithi yezemidlalo

UBen Katz, MD
USolwazi wePediatrics Northwestern University

Imigomo, Ukutheleleka Kwamagciwane, Ukutheleleka Ngegciwane, Ukutheleleka Kwezinambuzane

UParas Khandhar, MD
Umsizi kaSolwazi wePediatrics Oakland University

Ukungezwani Nezingane, Izifo Ezitholakala Ngokuphefumula, Izimiso Zokuziphatha kanye Nomthetho, Ubufakazi Obususelwe Ebufakazini, Izibalo kanye Ne-Epidemiology, Ukwenza Izinqumo Zemitholampilo, Ukusebenzisana Kwadokotela neziguli

UJason Ben Kovalcik, MD †
Isibhedlela Sezingane sase-Ohio State University

Isikhunta Nezimuncagazi, Izimo Eziphuthumayo Zezingane, Ubuthi kanye neToxicology, I-Immune Physiology & Immunodeficiency, i-Pediatric Rheumatology, i-Bacteria kanye ne-Virus, i-Physiology yomama nabesifazane.

U-Elizabeth Leleszi, MD
Umsizi kaSolwazi wePediatrics Oakland University

Ukuphazamiseka kweParoxysmal neMigraines, Isifo sokuwa kanye nokuThathwa kweziNgqondo ezinganeni, Ukutholwa Kokuphazamiseka kwe-CNS, Ukuphazamiseka kweCongental CNS

UThomas Loew, MD
USolwazi weClinical Pediatrics University of Kansas

Ukuphazamiseka Kwamaseli Obomvu, Ama-Platelets kanye Ne-Coagulation, Ukuphazamiseka Kwamaseli Amhlophe, I-Cancer kanye ne-Benign Tumors

UBenjamin Ticho, MD
Umsizi uProfesa we-Ophthalmology University of Illinois, Chicago

Izinkinga Zamehlo Ejwayelekile

UJonathan Williams, MD
UProfesa weRadiology University yaseFlorida, eGainesville

I-Radiology Yezingane, Amacala We-Radiology

UDonald Wilson, MD
I-Endocrinologist yezingane, Uhlelo Lokunakekelwa Kwezempilo Kwezingane, i-Fort Worth, TX

I-Adrenal neGonadal, Isifo Sikashukela, I-Calcium ne-Vitamin D Disorders, i-Thyroid, i-Parathyroid

UJoshua Wong, MD
Udokotela wezifo zenhliziyo, Advocate Children's Heart Institute, Oaklawn, IL

Ukuhlolwa Kwenhliziyo, Ukukhubazeka Kwenhliziyo Okuzelwe, Ukuhlola & Arythmias, Ukuhunyushwa kwe-ECG

Iya kusayithi eligcwele