Osler Vascular Surgery Online Review 2020

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Intengo yokuthengiswa
Intengo ejwayelekile
Intengo yokukodwa
Inani kufanele libe yi-1 noma ngaphezulu

Ukubuyekezwa Kwe-Osler Vascular Online Online 2020



This comprehensive review is designed to update your clinical knowledge-base as well as to help you pass your Vascular Surgery written exam. Emphasis is on evidence-based medicine and board-relevant standards of care, incorporating current best practice concepts, testing and treatment approaches, and clinical follow-up techniques. As a result, it provides a good review for your Vascular Surgery written exam as well as providing a thorough review for physicians in practice. Many of our previous participants found the course provided them with: improved diagnostic and planning strategies, a better understanding of the best surgical and non-surgical treatment approaches, a better grasp of perioperative critical care, and helped them recognize areas of weakness for self-study.


Ekupheleni kwalesi sifundo umhlanganyeli ngamunye uzokwazi uku:

  • Chaza izisekelo zesayensi eyisisekelo eyisisekelo sesifo semithambo nokwelashwa kwaso okuhlinzwa.
  • Xoxa ngokwelashwa okuphelele okungasebenzi kwe-vascular disease ukufaka ukwelashwa kwezidakamizwa nokuncipha kwengozi.
  • Chaza ukuhlolwa kwengozi ngaphambi kokuhlinzwa kanye nezinqubo zokuhlinza ezibucayi zokusebenza kanye nezangemva kokuhlinzwa zesiguli sokuhlinzwa semithambo.
  • Xoxa ngezinto eziyisisekelo zokuhlolwa komthambo wesifo semithambo ukufaka: i-plethysmography, i-duplex ultrasonography, i-MRI ne-CT scan, i-angiography, nezinye izivivinyo ezisetshenziselwa ukuxilongwa kwesifo semithambo.
  • Hlaziya izinkomba namasu ahlobene nokwelashwa okusebenzayo kokuvula kwesifo semithambo sohlelo lwe-cerebrovascular, okukhethekile kwemikhumbi engasebenzi, kanye nemikhumbi ye-thoracic neyesisu kanye naleyo yemikhawulo ephezulu nengaphansi.
  • Fingqa izinkomba namasu wokungenelela kwe-endovascular kuyo yonke imikhumbi emikhulu ngaphandle kwemithambo ye-aortic engasebenzi.

Izihloko Nezipikha:

UChelsea Dorsey, MD, RPVI
Umsizi uProfesa weSurgery University of Chicago

Izifo Ezingeyona ze-Atherosclerotic Vascular, Upper Extremity Arterial Disease, Isifo Esiphansi Sokuzivikela Esingaphansi,

UPeter Lin, MD, FACS
USolwazi Emeritus weSurgery Baylor College of Medicine

I-Cerobrovascular, Endovascular Therapy, i-Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, i-Vascular Trauma, i-Thoracic Aorta Aneurysms

U-Ahmed Mahmoud, MD
UClinical Associate Professor of Surgery University of California, eDavis

Izifo Ezibandakanya i-Aortoiliac, AAA / Iliac Artery Aneurysms, Visceral Ischemic Syndromes, Disovascular Disorders, Visceral Artery Aneurysms

USandip Maru, MD, FACS, RPVI
Umsizi kaProfesa weSurgery University yaseNew England

Ukuphathwa kwezifo ze-Venous, i-Lymphedema, i-Vascular Complications, i-Vascular Labs, i-Dialysis Access

Iya kusayithi eligcwele