Aesthetic Customized Surgical Treatment for Prominent Eye QMP

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Ukwelashwa Kwe-Aesthetic Ngokwezifiso Kokuhlinza Kweso Elivelele QMP

4 Mp4 Video , Usayizi Wesifundo = 5.76 GB


nguRaymond Douglas, MD, PhD

World-renowned oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Raymond Douglas performs four surgeries in this video series to correct a variety of problems related to the orbit and prominent eye. Dr. Douglas presents thorough preoperative surgical plans for each case, and demonstrates step-by-step technique and identification of anatomy while providing the viewer with tips unique to each patient’s needs to avoid complications and achieve optimal aesthetic and function outcomes. A postoperative discussion of each surgery is also provided, including preoperative and postoperative photos, reviewing the maneuvers that were performed.

Izihloko Nezipikha:

Ukuhlinzwa kuhlanganisa:

Icala le-1: Ukulungisa Ukuphuka Kwe-Orbital Ngokusebenzisa Indlela Ye-Transconjuntival Ngaphandle Kokukhishwa Kwejwabu leso

Icala le-2: Ukuwohloka Okuphakathi Nasemuva Nge-Blepharoplasty Ephezulu Naphansi

Icala le-3: I-Reoperative Lateral Decompression With Lower Eyed Contour Reconstruction

Icala le-4: Ukwakhiwa Kabusha Kobuso Kwezifo Ze-thyroid ukuze Kuthuthukiswe i-Orbital and Facial Asymmetry

Available in HD Streaming . 4 cases and 2.5 hours of operative video. 2021.

Iya kusayithi eligcwele