Video Atlas of Cosmetic Gynecology

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Intengo ejwayelekile
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I-atlas yevidiyo ye-Cosmetic Gynecology


26 Imiqophi
Usayizi Wefayela = 21.07 GB

KOOHLENGIKAYO KUPHELA: Lolu chungechunge oluguquguqukayo lusekela i-ISCG Hands-On Yezinsuku Ezimbili Cosmetic Gyn Cadaver Course. Le miboniso yokuhlinzwa ebukhoma imele amasu namaqhinga alula, asebenza kahle kakhulu, futhi anokwethenjelwa esihlokweni ngasinye. Zihloselwe ukusekela ukuqeqeshwa okubukhoma akuhloselwe ukusetshenziswa njengomthombo wemfundo kuphela

Yenzelwe le nkambo?

This course is for you. Our graduates are physicians with a serious interest in delivering cosmetic gyn procedures to their patients. Over the past decade, we have trained numerous gynecologists,urogyneclogists, urologists, plastic surgeons, general surgeons, aesthetic surgeons, and a variety of other surgical and nonsurgical specialists. They have come from North America, Central America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Pacific Rim. If you have a strong desire to provide these procedures to your clientele, then this course is for you.


1. I-Perineoplasty 20:51
2. I-vaginoplasty 33:42
3. Ukulungiswa kwe-Rectocele e-Vaginoplasty 27:32
4. I-Levatorplasty 20:03
5. I-Reverse Perineoplasty 18:59
6. Ukulungiswa kweCystocele 08:23
7. I-Hymenoplasty 26:50
8. I-Labiaplasty I elula: I-Central Elongation 13:37
9. I-Labiaplasty II elula: I-Anterior Elongation 25:39
10. I-Labiaplasty kanye ne-Clitoral Hood Contouring I 30:25
11. I-Labiaplasty kanye ne-Clitoral Hood Contouring II 19:35
12. I-Labiaplasty kanye ne-Clitoral Hood Contouring III 19:16
13. I-Labiaplasty kanye ne-Clitoral Hood Contouring IV 30:16
14. I-Labiaplasty e-Vaginoplasty 37:02
15. I-Labia Majora Fat Transfer I 29:05
16. I-Labia Majora Fat Transfer II 34:43
17. I-Labia Majora Reduction Majoraplasty 15:47
18. I-Mons Pubis Liposuction 13:46
19. I-Monsplasty Basic 09:12
20. I-Monsplasty ene-Liposuction ye-Mild Laxity 23:38
21. I-Monsplasty ene-Liposuction ngemuva kwe-Abdominoplasty Yangaphambilini 19:13
22. I-Monsplasty Mini vs Mini Abdominoplasty 15:34
23. Ukubuyekezwa kweMonsplasty ngeSyringe Liposuction 14:32
24. I-Mons Pubis Ptosis Classification, Izinkombandlela kanye Nokuphatha 27:18
25. I-Cesarean Suprapubic Apron 34:52
26. I-Medium Thighplasty ene-Vulvar Distortion Correction 25:07

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