Osler Plastic Surgery 2021 Online Review

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Intengo ejwayelekile
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Ukuhlinzwa Kwe-Osler Plastic 2021 Ukubuyekezwa Kwe-inthanethi



CME on Your Terms – The Osler Institute utilized state-of-the-art equipment to record our Live Webinar April 2021 comprehensive Plastic Surgery Review Course and bring it to you! These files are stored “in the cloud” so you can stream them anywhere, anytime, as long as you have an internet connection, watch or listen to on your phone, computer – your learning experience is almost like being at the live activity, but without travel costs and time away from your practice. Included with each online review is a downloadable copy of the syllabus that corresponds to the lectures for your use while viewing or as a free-standing study or clinical practice guide.

This comprehensive review is designed to help you pass your Plastic Surgery exams as well as to update your clinical knowledge base. The course includes didactic lectures, embedded questions and discussion time at the end of most topics, and a dedicated question and answer session. Emphasis is on evidence-based medicine and board-relevant standards of care, incorporating current best practice concepts, surgical approaches, and clinical follow-up strategies. As a result, it provides a good review for your ABPS written and oral exams as well as providing a thorough review of plastic surgery for physicians in practice. Many of our previous learners found the course provided them with improved diagnostic and planning strategies, a better understanding of the best surgical approaches for the principal areas covered by plastic surgeons, and helped them recognize areas of weakness for self-study.

Usuku lokukhishwa: May 10, 2021


Ekupheleni kwalesi sifundo umhlanganyeli ngamunye uzokwazi uku:

  • Qinisekisa i-etiology, izindlela zokuxilonga, ukuxilonga umehluko kanye nokubikezela ukuhlinzwa okuvamile kuzo zonke izindawo eziyisikhombisa zokwakheka ezibekwe yi-ABPS
  • Fingqa izinqubo ezifanele zokuxilonga nokuhlola
  • Nikeza ngohlelo olunengqondo nolufanele lokuphathwa kokuhlinzwa kanye / noma lwezokwelapha lwezinkinga zesiguli ezichaziwe kanye nezinkinga ezingaba khona kukho konke ukuhlinzwa okuvamile okumbozwe okukhethekile kokuhlinzwa kwepulasitiki
  • Khombisa ukuqonda izinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zezindawo zokuhlinza kanye nezabo
    ukufaneleka kwazo zonke izindlela ezinkulu zokuhlinzwa kwepulasitiki
  • Chaza izindlela ezifanele zokuhlalisa nokuvuselela zonke izindawo ezivamile ezihlanganiswe ukuhlinzwa kwepulasitiki
  • Sebenzisa ulwazi oluyisisekelo nokuqonda komtholampilo okutholwe engxenyeni yokuqonda yezivivinyo zesitifiketi se-ABPS

Izihloko Nezipikha:

Isikhundla Nezihloko

U-Azra Ashraf, MD MPH
Ukwenza Kwangasese,
I-Alexandria, VA

Ukwakhiwa Kabusha Kwebele, Ukuhlinzwa Kwesifuba Sobuhle, Ukuguqula Umzimba, Imijovo, Ukwakhiwa Kabusha Kwesiqu, Ukudluliswa Kwe-Lymph Node Enemithambo, Ukuphathwa Kwesiguli, Imibuzo Yokuhlinza Ngepulasitiki

I-Wellington Davis, III, MD †
Umsizi Woprofesa Wokuhlinza
I-Drexel University College of Medicine

Amakhono Abalulekile Okucabanga Nokucabanga (Indlela Yokudlula Ukuhlolwa Okubhaliwe), I-Otoplasty, Ukulawulwa Kwe-Acute Burn, kanye Nokwakhiwa Kabusha, Ukuphuka Kwethambo Lamathambo E-Craniomaxillofacial, I-Syndromic Craniosynostoses Ukulawulwa Kokuhlinzwa, I-Cleft Lip kanye Nolwanga, I-Vascular Lesion yekhanda nentamo

UParas Khandhar, MD, FAAP
Umsizi Woprofesa Wezifo Zezingane
Isibhedlela Sezingane saseBeaumont

Evidence-Based Medicine, Patient Safety and Quality Improvement

I-Amit Mitra, MD †
USolwazi kanye noSihlalo Wokuhlinza Ngepulasitiki
Temple University

Izinto eziyisisekelo zokuxhunyelelwa kwesikhumba kanye nama-Flaps, I-Dupuytren's Contracture, Izimiso Zokuhlinza I-Microsurgery, Ukunqunywa Kwezitho, Nokutshalwa kabusha, I-Compression Neuropathies, Ukwakhiwa Kabusha Kwesikhumba, Ukwakhiwa Kabusha Kwezindebe, Ikhanda, Nokwakhiwa Kabusha Kwentamo

UPatrick Reavey, MD, MS
Umsizi Woprofesa Wokuhlinza
I-University of Chicago School of Medicine

I-Brachial Plexus, Ukubuyekezwa Kokuhlinzwa Kwezandla, Isandla Sokuzalwa

UMark Domanski MD
Isibhedlela i-Inova Fairfax

I-Head and Neck Embryology, i-Cephalometrics ne-Orthognathic, i-Facial Trauma

U-Lino Miele, MD, MS
Clinical Instructor Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA

Ukunciphisa Ubisi

UDavid Yoo, MD
UProfesa we-Ophthalmology
Loyola University

Ukwakhiwa kabusha kwejwabu leso kanye nezinkinga zejwabu leso, i-Ptosis - Ukuhlolwa Kokuzalwa Nokwenziwe

Diana Ponsky, MD, FACS
UProfesa Ongumsizi We-Otolaryngology kanye Nokuhlinzwa Kwepulasitiki
Case Western Reserve University

Ukuphakamisa ubuso kanye namaFleps, i-Rhinoplasty, i-Chemical Peel

Iya kusayithi eligcwele