The Pass Machine Pediatric Anesthesiology Board Review Course (Videos+PDFs)

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Isifundo sePassMachine Pediatric Anesthesiology Board Review

  • Ifomethi: Amafayela Evidiyo angama-62 (ifomethi.mp4) + Amafayela e-PDF.

Izihloko Nezipikha:

Isayensi Eyisisekelo
I-Anatomy Nemishini (1.5 Amahora)
UCharles Coté, MD
I-Pharmacology: I-Developmentac Pharmacokinetics nama-Inhaled Agents (ihora eli-1)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
I-Pharmacology: I-Pharmacology ye-Intravenous Agents ne-Apoptosis (ihora eli-1)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
I-Organ-based Basic and Clinical Sciences
Ukuphefumula: Ukuthuthuka ne-Anatomy (Amahora we-1.25)
UCharles Coté, MD
Ukuphefumula: Izifo, ama-PFTs, ne-Thoracic & Chest Wall Deformity Anesthesia (Ihora eli-1)
UCharles Coté, MD
Inhliziyo: Izwe lePhysology & Izifo (Amahora we-1.25)
U-Annette Schure, MD
Inhliziyo: I-CHF & L - R Amaphutha (Amahora angu-1.25)
U-Annette Schure, MD
Inhliziyo: Isifo Sezinhliziyo Esiyinkimbinkimbi (Ihora Elingu-1)
U-Annette Schure, MD
Inhliziyo: I-Cardiopulmonary Bypass Transplant Electrophysiology (Amahora angu-1.25)
U-Annette Schure, MD
Isistimu Ethusayo Neyangaphakathi (Amahora we-1.5)
UMarla Ferschl, MD
Amathumbu (1 Ihora)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
I-renal / Urinary & Hematology / Oncology (ihora eli-1)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
I-Endocrine / Metabolic & Genetics (Ihora eli-1)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
Ama-Subspecialties emitholampilo
I-Fetal (1 Ihora)
UClaire Brett, MD
Neonatal: I-Physiology nezihloko ezijwayelekile (ihora eli-1)
UClaire Brett, MD
Neonatal: Izilonda ezithile (ihora eli-1)
UClaire Brett, MD
Amazwe Ezifo Ezibuhlungu (Amahora angu-1.5)
UDavid Polaner, MD
I-Otolaryngology (Ihora eli-1)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
Ukuhlinzwa Kweplastiki Nama-Oral-Maxillary (amahora we-0.75)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
I-Ophthalmology (amahora we-0.75)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
I-Orthopedics & Trauma (Ihora eli-1)
UCharles Coté, MD
Ukushisa (1 Ihora)
UCharles Coté, MD
Isayensi Yomtholampilo Ye-Anesthesia (Ihora eli-1)
Ukuhlola nokulungiselela kokusebenza
UJerrold Lerman, MD
Ukucatshangelwa Okujwayelekile Kwesikhathi Sokusebenza, I-General Anesthesia, Nezindlela Ezikhethekile Nezimo (Ihora Elingu-1)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
I-Regional Anesthesia (Ihora eli-1)
UDavid Polaner, MD
Izinkinga ze-Anesthesia (1 Ihora)
U-Eric Wittkugel, MD
Ukuphathwa kokusebenza ngemuva (ihora eli-1)
U-Eric Wittkugel, MD
Ukuqashwa Kwe-Anesthesia / i-Anesthesia Ngaphandle Kwegumbi Lokuhlinzwa (Ihora eli-1)
UCharles Coté, MD
Izinkinga Ezikhethekile noma Izinkinga
Izinkinga Ezikhethekile noma Izinkinga (Amahora we-1.5)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
Amathuluzi Okutadisha
Amasu Wokuhlola (Amahora angu-0.5)
UJerrold Lerman, MD
Zijwayeze Ukuhlolwa (Amahora angu-0.5)
UCharles Coté, MD
Ulwazi Lokuhlolwa
Abasebenzi be-API
Iya kusayithi eligcwele