I-Titan Radiology – Boards Buster 2021 (Amavidiyo) | Izifundo Zevidiyo Yezokwelapha.

Titan Radiology – Boards Buster 2021 (Videos)

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Intengo ejwayelekile
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I-Titan Radiology – Boards Buster 2021 (Amavidiyo)


By I-Prometheus Lionhart - Ikhishiwe July 2021

Ngochungechunge lwevidiyo oluguquguqukayo lwe-Board Buster kanye nesivuno esikhulu sezincwadi ze-Crack the Core, uthisha Omkhulu, u-Prometheus Lionhart MD, uzobumba ingqondo yakho ibe yibhola elingavimbeki elibhidlizayo lolwazi lwe-radiology.
Comprehensive Board Buster Video Series
Amahora angu-40+ wevidiyo enesivuno esiphezulu eyenziwe ngu-Radiology Board Review Revolution, u-Prometheus Lionhart, MD

Busa i-ABR Core nge-Titan
Ngochungechunge lwevidiyo oluguquguqukayo lwe-Board Buster kanye nesivuno esikhulu sezincwadi ze-Crack the Core, uthisha Omkhulu, u-Prometheus Lionhart MD, uzobumba ingqondo yakho ibe yibhola elichithekayo elingavimbeki lolwazi lwe-radiology.

  • Ngaphezu kwamahora angu-40 wokuqukethwe okuhlanganisa i-radiology yomtholampilo, i-physics, namakhono angatoliki.
  • Landela kanye nezincwadi zikaDkt. Lionhart ezithenjwayo ze-Crack the Core Exam.


Okuqukethwe kwe-Course

  • Isingeniso
  • I-Pancreas
  • Isibindi
  • Ukuqamba kabusha
  • Ukuzala
  • I-Barium yesisu
  • Chest
  • I-Thyroid
  • I-Musculoskeletal
  • Neuro
  • Izingane
  • I-cardiac
  • Ukufanekisa Amabele
  • Nuclear
  • I-Interventional kanye ne-Vascular Radiology
  • I-Physics Remastered
  • I-physics
  • Amakhono Angatoliki


Uhlu Olugcwele Lwezihloko
Ingxenye 1 - Ukukhubazeka Kokuzalwa, Izilonda ze-Cystic, i-Pancreatitis
Ingxenye 2 - Izilonda Eziqinile, Ukuhlukumezeka
Ingxenye 1 - Izifo Ezisakazwayo: Amafutha, Insimbi, kanye Nefiziksi Ehlobene
Ingxenye 2 - Izilonda Ezigxilile, Ukutheleleka, I-Biliary, Ukufakelwa
Ukuqamba kabusha
Ingxenye 1 - Izilonda Eziqinile, Izifo Ze-Cystic
Ingxenye 2 - I-Renal Artery Stenosis, i-Captopril Nukes, Ukufakelwa kabusha
Ingxenye 3 - Ukukhubazeka Kokuzalwa, Umdlavuza We-Urethral
Isihloko Esikhethekile: Izifo Ezihlukahlukene Zezinso
Ukuzala Kwabesifazane: Umdlavuza We-Endometrial kanye Nomlomo Wesibeletho
Ukuzala Kwabesilisa - Umdlavuza Wendlala Yendlala Yesinye kanye Nomdlavuza Wesende
Isihloko Esikhethekile: Ukukhiqiza - OB Ultrasound
I-Barium yesisu
Ingxenye 1 - Umminzo kanye Nesisu
Ingxenye 2 - Ithumbu Elincane
Ingxenye 3 - Crohns, UC kanye Ukubuyekezwa Kwe-Buzzwords
Ingxenye 1 - Ukwenziwa Kwasendaweni/Izimpawu, I-UIP/NSIP, Ukutheleleka Nge-Nukes Correlates, I-Cardiac Anatomy,
Ingxenye 2 – TB, Infections Misc, Trachea
I-Thyroid - Hyperthryoidism, kanye ne-Nukes Correlates
I-thyroid - Umdlavuza kanye ne-Nukes Correlates
I-Parathyroid - i-Adenoma, umdlavuza, ne-Nukes Correlates
Ingxenye 1 - I-Trauma, Osteochondrosis, Coalition
Ingxenye 2 - I-Athritis
Ingxenye 3 - Benign (Cystic) kanye ne-Malignant Bone Tumors
Ingxenye 4 – MR Amalunga
I-MSK: Isihloko Esikhethekile - Ukuncishiswa: Amaphethini Ehlombe E-MRI, Izinguquko Ezibucayi Nezihlala njalo
Isihloko Esikhethekile: I-MSK Ultrasound
Ingxenye 1 – Isisekelo Sogebhezi kanye ne-Vascular Anatomy
Ingxenye 2 - Ithambo Lesikhashana
Ingxenye 3 - I-Demyelinating / Toxic
Ingxenye 4 - Amathumba
Ingxenye 5 – I-SAH, I-Aneurysms, Stroke, Ukonakala Kwemithambo
Ingxenye 6- Iminyaka Yegazi, I-Trauma / Face Smash, LeForts, NAT
Ingxenye 7 – Amagciwane
Ingxenye 8 - Umgogodla
I-Neuro: Isihloko Esikhethekile - Ikhanda Nentamo: I-Sinus Tumors, Izintambo Zezwi, I-Congenital Misc
Ingxenye 1 – Indlela Yomoya, Isifuba
Ingxenye 2 - GI
Ingxenye 3 – MSK
Ingxenye 4 - I-Heterotaxia, Izimila Eziqinile - Isibindi Nezinso, I-Biliary Atresia ne-Nukes Correlate
Ingxenye 5 – Neuro – Cogenital Malformations
Ingxenye 1 - Ukuhlaziywa kwe-CXR, Ama-Valves
Ingxenye 2 - Ukuhlinzwa Kwenhliziyo Kokuzalwa
Ingxenye 3 - I-MRI yenhliziyo
Ingxenye 4 - I-Cardiac Nukes
Inhliziyo: Isihloko Esikhethekile - I-Coronary
Ukufanekisa Amabele
Ingxenye 1: Isingeniso
Ingxenye 2: Umdlavuza kanye ne-Ultrasound
Ingxenye 3: Izifo Ezikahle
Ingxenye 4: Isifo Sebele Sabesilisa
Ingxenye 5: I-MRI 1
Ingxenye 6: I-MRI 2
Isihloko Esikhethekile: Izinqubo ze-Mammo - Ingxenye 1
Isihloko Esikhethekile: Izinqubo ze-Mammo - Ingxenye 2
Ingxenye 1: I-Mystery Whole Body Scans
Ingxenye 2: I-Bone Scan
Ingxenye 3: I-Pulmonary (VQ)
Ingxenye 4: I-GI (HIDA, I-Bleeding Scan, I-Sulfur Colloid)
Isihloko Esikhethekile - PET kanye ne-SPECT
Isihloko Esikhethekile - Umdlavuza Ongewona We-PET Ingxenye 1 (MIBG)
Isihloko Esikhethekile - Umdlavuza Ongewona We-PET Ingxenye 2 (Octreotide)
Isihloko Esikhethekile - CNS (Izikena Zokubanjwa, Ukuwohloka komqondo, Ukufanekisa Ukugeleza kwe-CSF)
Isihloko Esikhethekile - Izindlela Zokwenza I-Radiopharmaceutical Localization
I-Interventional kanye ne-Vascular Radiology
Ingxenye 1
Ingxenye 2 - I-Carotid US, I-Aortic Dissection, I-Misc Vascular
IR: Isihloko esikhethekile - I-HD Grafts / Fistula
IR: Isihloko Esikhethekile - Ukufinyelela Umchamo / Ukuphambukisa
I-CV: Isihloko Esikhethekile – I-Venous Ultrasound
Isihloko Esikhethekile: I-CV: I-Doppler Flow Dynamics
I-Physics Remastered
I-X-ray: Isingeniso Sesayensi Eyisisekelo
I-X-ray: Isici kanye ne-Breaking Radiation
I-X-ray: Umshini
I-X-ray: Umphumela Wesithende
I-X-ray: Ikhwalithi kanye Nobuningi
I-X-ray: Ukuhlunga
I-X-ray: Ukusebenzisana ne-Matter
I-X-ray: K-edge kanye nokugqama
I-X-ray: I-Mass and Linear Attenuation
I-X-Ray – Isizukulwane Nokukhiqiza
I-X-Ray: Ukusebenzisana ne-Matter
I-X-Ray: Imiqondo
Ukufanekisa Amabele
I-Fluoro / IR
CT: Okuyisisekelo
CT: Izinto zobuciko
I-Ultrasound Ingxenye 1 - I-Reflection, Refraction, Attenuation,
I-Ultrasound Ingxenye 2 - Doppler, I-Compound Imaging, Harmonics, Mechanical Index, Thermal Index
I-Ultrasound Ingxenye 3 - Ama-Artifacts
I-MRI: Okuyisisekelo
I-MRI: Ukufaka ikhodi
I-MRI: Ukulandelana
I-MRI: Isihloko Esikhethekile - Ukuphepha kwe-MRI
I-MRI: Izinto zobuciko
I-MRI: Isihloko Esikhethekile - Ukuqina Kwesiqephu vs Isikhathi Sethebula
I-Nukes: Imiqondo Eyisisekelo
I-MRI: Isihloko Esikhethekile - Iminyaka yegazi
Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Physics MCQ - Ingxenye 1
Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Physics MCQ - Ingxenye 2
Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Physics MCQ - Ingxenye 3
Amakhono Angatoliki
Ingxenye 1 – QA, QC, QI, Latent vs Active, Hawthorne, Weber
Ingxenye 2 – Umpetha Wezokuphepha, PDSA, LEAN, Value Equation, Six Sigma
Ingxenye 3 - Amashadi
Ingxenye 4 – Imihlahlandlela Yezokuxhumana
Ingxenye 5 – Amaphutha Ayisisekelo, Miss vs Slip, Culture of Safety, Authority Gradient
Ingxenye 6 - Isiko Nje
Ingxenye 7 – Imigomo Yokuphepha Yesiguli, Imvume, Ukunakekelwa Kwangaphambi Kwenqubo, Ukumpontshelwa Igazi, Ukubuyisana Komuthi
Isihloko Esikhethekile: Ukusabela Okuhlukile


