I-CCME Isifundo Sokufunda Esizifundayo 2020 | Izifundo zevidiyo yezokwelapha.

CCME The National Family Medicine Board Review Self-Study Course 2020

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Intengo ejwayelekile
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I-CCME I-National Family Medicine Board Review Yizifundo Zokuzifundela 2020

Izihloko Nezipikha:


Ukuzifundela kufaka izinkulumo ezingama-58:

  1. Isingeniso (9: 04)
  2. Ukungezwani komzimba (31: 27)
  3. Imithi Yomphakathi - Ingxenye 1: Ukuvikela Nokunakekelwa Kwabantu (30: 34)
  4. I-Ortho / Imithi Yezemidlalo - Ingxenye 1: Imithi Yezemidlalo Nokufanekisa (34: 20)
  5. Imithi Yomphakathi - Ingxenye 2: Ukugoma kanye Nokungezelelwa Komsoco (30: 42)
  6. I-Hematology - Ingxenye 1 (29: 43)
  7. I-Ortho / Imithi Yezemidlalo - Ingxenye 2: Ukukhuphuka Okuphezulu (33: 05)
  8. I-Pediatrics Yokuziphatha (30: 31)
  9. I-Ortho / Imithi Yezemidlalo - Ingxenye 3: Umgogodla Nokuqina Okuphansi (41: 59)
  10. I-Hematology - Ingxenye 2 (30: 27)
  11. Pediatrics - Ingxenye 1: Izinkinga ezisanda kuzalwa (31: 28)
  12. Imithi Ephuthumayo - Ingxenye 1: Inqubomgomo Nezimo Eziphuthumayo Zezokwelapha (31: 31)
  13. I-Nephrology - Ingxenye 1: Umsebenzi Wezinso, Izifo Ezingama-Glomerular, I-Nephrolithiasis (30: 58)
  14. Imithi Ephuthumayo - Ingxenye 2: Pediatrics, Drowning and ENT (33: 09)
  15. I-Nephrology - Ingxenye 2: Ukulimala Kwezinso Okubucayi Nezifo Ezingamahlalakhona Zesibindi (25: 02)
  16. Imithi Ephuthumayo - Ingxenye 3: Ukulunywa, Amanxeba Nentambo (29: 41)
  17. Usuku 1 - Isikhathi Sombuzo Nempendulo (29: 58)
  18. Ukuhlinzwa - Ingxenye 1: Ukuhlolwa Kwangaphambi Kokusebenza (25: 37)
  19. ophikweni olubhekene nezifo zamathambo (31: 02)
  20. I-Endocrinology - Ingxenye 1: Isifo Sikashukela (43: 48)
  21. I-Pediatrics - Ingxenye 2: Izinkinga Zezokwelapha (31: 09)
  22. Ukuhlinzwa - Ingxenye 2: Uketshezi nama-Electrolyte (30: 06)
  23. I-Endocrinology - Ingxenye 2: Bonke Abanye (45: 17)
  24. I-Dermatology - Ingxenye 1: Izinduna, Izimo Ezingamahlalakhona, Ukuvezwa, Ukuqhuma Kwamagciwane (27: 29)
  25. Ukuhlinzwa - Ingxenye 3: Ukunakekelwa Kwangemva Kokuhlinzwa kanye Nezinkinga Zokuhlinzwa Ezikhethiwe (48: 49)
  26. I-Dermatology - Ingxenye 2: Ukulimala kwelanga, ukuqhuma kanye nokutheleleka (25: 12)
  27. I-Pediatrics - Ingxenye 3: I-Nephrology, i-Ortho, i-Heme ne-Neuro (31: 50)
  28. Mayelana namabhodi (23: 40)
  29. I-Obstetrics - Ingxenye 1: Ukunakekelwa kokubeletha (32: 33)
  30. Ama-Obstetrics - Ingxenye 2: Izinkinga zokuqala ze-Trimester kanye nezinye izingqinamba zezokwelapha (31: 04)
  31. I-Gastroenterology - Ingxenye 1: Ukuphazamiseka Kwesisu Nesisu, Uhudo (32: 11)
  32. Ama-Obstetrics - Ingxenye 3: Izinkinga ze-Trimester Yesithathu kanye Nokuphathwa Kwezabasebenzi (32: 35)
  33. Usuku 2 - Isikhathi Sombuzo Nempendulo (34: 57)
  34. Izinkinga Ezijwayelekile Zezokwelapha - Ingxenye 1: Ukukhuluphala, Ukuvezwa, I-Vertigo, iSyncope (32: 40)
  35. I-Geriatrics - Ingxenye 1: Ukuguga nokuhlola (32: 57)
  36. I-Gastroenterology - Ingxenye 2: Ukuphazamiseka Kwamathumbu, Amapancreas Nesibindi (32: 56)
  37. I-Gynecology - Ingxenye 1: I-Endocrine / Ukuya esikhathini (29: 57)
  38. Izinkinga Ezijwayelekile Zezokwelapha - Ingxenye 2: I-Ocular, Dental, GI ne-Prostate (33: 33)
  39. I-Gynecology - Ingxenye 2: Ama-GYN Organs and Disorders (30: 24)
  40. I-Cardiology - Ingxenye 1: Acute Coronary Syndromes (26: 04)
  41. I-Neurology - Ingxenye 1: IComa, Ukuquleka, iStroke neParkinson's (44: 37)
  42. I-Gynecology - Ingxenye 3: Ukutheleleka kanye Nezinkinga ze-GYN (47: 16)
  43. I-Geriatrics - Ingxenye 2: Ukuqaphela nokunakekelwa kwesikhathi eside (29: 42)
  44. I-Neurology - Ingxenye 2: Umlenze Ongaphumuli, Ukuqhaqhazela, i-MS kanye neKhanda (32: 31)
  45. I-Cardiology - Ingxenye 2: I-Angina Engazinzile Nezifo Zenhliziyo Ezingamahlalakhona (32: 10)
  46. I-Geriatrics - Ingxenye 3: Izinkinga Ezikhethekile nokunakekelwa Kwe-Palliative (37: 56)
  47. I-Cardiology - Ingxenye 3: I-Hypertension ne-Hyperlipidemia (30: 40)
  48. I-Oncology - Ingxenye 1: Ukuhlola Nesifuba, Amaphaphu Ne-GI (38: 13)
  49. Usuku 3 - Isikhathi Sombuzo Nempendulo (42: 26)
  50. Izifo Ezithathelwanayo - Ingxenye 1: ENT, Umkhuhlane, Umgudu Womchamo Nesikhumba (47: 02)
  51. I-Pulmonary - Ingxenye 1: Ukukhwehlela, i-COPD namaNodules (33: 38)
  52. I-Oncology - Ingxenye 2: Genitourinary, Gynecological and Emergency (28: 27)
  53. I-Cardiology - Ingxenye 4: i-Lipids, i-Afib ne-Cardiomyopathy (24: 03)
  54. Izifo Ezithathelwanayo - Ingxenye 2: I-Sepsis, i-HIV, i-TB kanye ne-Nosocomial izifo (30: 43)
  55. I-Pulmonary - Ingxenye 2: I-pneumonia, Imithi Yokulala (32: 48)
  56. I-Psychiatry - Ingxenye 1 (41: 45)
  57. I-Pulmonary - Ingxenye 3: Ukunakekelwa Okubalulekile (27: 04)
  58. I-Psychiatry - Izingxenye 2 no-3 (41: 02)

USUKU LOKUKHULULA: January 23, 2020


